The key is to learn how to use the funds so that you can live the life you want to live. Here are some practical tips.
Decide what is important to you
Since money is not the goal, you need to know exactly what your goals are. That's why many financial planners begin their work with a client with the single question "why?". When you know the answer, all of your financial decisions are made in alignment with your goal.
Identify your priorities
It's also very helpful to make a list of the spending habits that give you the most pleasure. This will help you control your spending too. For example, you like to dine at cafes and visit family or friends who live in another city. By prioritising your spending, you can decide what to cut back on.
Move gradually
When you have a very low income, changing your attitude to money is especially difficult. Any goal compared to your income will seem unattainable. So break your goal down into small steps. For example, if you need to pay off a loan, think not about the whole amount, but about paying it off in a month or even a week. This way, the amount won't seem so overwhelming. It will be easier to pay it off and feel like you are in control.
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